President's MessageJune 2020
COVID-19 and the social distancing that has occurred as a direct result has changed so much about the way we live and practice emergency medicine. As we continue to move forward, I want to share some of the ways TCEP continues to engage on behalf of ER docs across the state. Thanks to all of you who participated in the most recent survey put out by TCEP. Your response indicate that low volumes, planning for a surge in cases, and in many places lack of appropriate PPE top your list of concerns. People will always have emergencies and need the critical and on demand services of emergency care. To help educate the public about the care you all deliver 24/7/365 and remind them that its safe to seek care when they have a need, TCEP formed a task force to work on getting messages out to the public as well as legislators. Dr. Robert Hancock, our incoming President chairs the task force and is joined by Dr. Theresa Tran who heads our Government Relations Committee as well as Dr. Doug Jeffrey. The task force is working with a team from Mercury Public Relations led by Lauren Willis and Danner Bethel in conjunction with Michael Grimes and Price Ashley from our lobbyist group Imperium Public Affairs. Their messaging to the general public will focus on the safety of seeking emergency care in the ER as well as information on established public health guidelines. Personally, I am looking forward to addressing you at our July 1 virtual business meeting. Please be sure to complete the free registration for the business meeting found on and join us at 7pm for a review of TCEP’s year as well as the election of the Board members, honoring of award recipients, vote on the proposed new bylaws, and get an update on the association. TCEP’s 2020 virtual annual business meeting will be my last official act as TCEP President and it has been an honor to serve you. I am grateful for all the hard work you all have put in during these uncertain and difficult times. Please be sure to take care of yourselves as you take care of others. ACEP offers its COVID-19 Wellness Hub to support EM physicians through the COVID-19 pandemic. But beyond that, Emergency Medicine is a 24/7 operation and one of us is always awake and ready. If you need support, please reach out. In closing, I would especially like to recognize and thank TCEP’s fantastic Board of Directors, Leadership Fellows, committee volunteers, and office staff. They are the engines who carry the business of the college forward and will continue to do so in the days ahead. |