2020 TCEP Board of Directors Nominee

Hunter Pyle

1. Please provide us with your Medical School and graduation date. Also include your current positions held with a brief description of your duties.

I am a second year medical student at UT Southwestern (UTSW).

My current positions include: UTSW Academic Tutor, UTSW Ultrasound Interest Group Cofounder & Officer, Hearts for the Homeless International Executive Director of Public Affairs, UTSW Colleges Peer Mentor, Collin County Medical Reserve Corps
i. UTSW Academic Tutor: tutor for ‘Organisms and the Host’ and ‘Macromolecules’ for first year medical students, which involves developing curriculum and holding tutoring sessions
ii. UTSW Ultrasound Interest Group Cofounder & Officer: organize ultrasound skills clinics with ultrasound-trained faculty and emergency medicine residents teaching medical students
iii. Hearts for the Homeless International Executive Director of Public Affairs: lead media relations, philanthropy, and internal affairs for organization dedicated to providing blood pressure screening and heart health education to homeless in the United States and abroad
iv. UTSW Colleges Peer Mentor: help teach first year medical students clinical skills, accompany students on their hospital visits to see their first patients, help students learn standard patient presentation framework, available for students to ask questions about classwork or any topic that may be giving them stress
v. Collin County Medical Reserve Corps: respond to local public health emergencies; most recently, responded to Coronavirus and patients on home isolation being monitored for symptoms / fever

2. Tell us about your involvement in TCEP.

I served as the 2020 National (Texas) Two Step CPR Public Relations Chair for Dallas. This position involved overseeing efforts to inform the public about the opportunity to learn CPR in their community in addition to helping run the actual event at UT Dallas.

I served as the 2019 Dallas Chair of Lone Star Survival. This position involved overseeing a team of six directors and organizing two events at Dallas Love Field Airport Frontiers of Flight Museum and UT Dallas where we taught the public skills to stop bleeds.

EMIG Officer at UTSW

3. Convey to us your goals as a Director and what you see as the pressing issues facing Emergency Physicians in the next three years.

Goals as Director: 1) expand medical student involvement in TCEP thru improved communication, including TCEP introductory email to be sent once a semester to listservs of all EMIG groups in Texas – the purpose of this introductory email will be to inform students of TCEP resources, including TCEP MSC Twitter and monthly call 2) develop email newsletter to be sent monthly to medical students in EMIG groups around the state in order to ensure that all medical students, regardless of leadership structures at their school, are aware of opportunities for leadership, membership, advocacy, and engagement in TCEP 3) serve as a personal point of contact for medical students with concerns, questions, and ideas for improvements – this may involve providing my phone number, email address, and/or creating a form to be attached to aforementioned email newsletters – this will allow for optimal representation of medical student interests

Pressing issues facing Emergency Physician
i. Shifting landscape of EM access points. Patients are seeing emergency medicine physicians in increasing numbers of ways, including urgent care centers, professional sporting events, and through mobile medicine and telemedicine. Emergency medicine physicians must continually assess needs in their specific community as care is pushed ever closer to the patient in order to provide for optimal prehospital treatment and minimize treatment interruptions: this involves careful calculation on the part of the emergency physician today in order to anticipate the needs of their community tomorrow.
ii. Suicide and mental health. Suicide continues to increase as a public health burden across the country. Emergency medicine physicians must navigate these patients carefully, especially as these patients have complicated histories and the numbers of patients presenting to the ED in suicidal crisis continues to rise.
iii. Increasing numbers of patients. As the country’s population continues to age, emergency medicine physicians must continue to plan for and accommodate increasing numbers of patients moving through emergency departments and continue to increase the efficiency with which patients are moved into or out of the hospital system. In addition, emergency medicine physicians are faced with the task of trying to bridge the acute and chronic care of patients through coordination with primary care and other specialties in order to provide the best care for these patients in the future and also minimize visits to the ED by patients who are best served in other areas of the hospital.

4. Please provide a brief description of family, community and professional activities, and hobbies.

I grew up in Blue Ridge, Texas, a small farming community located northeast of McKinney, Texas. My father is a lifelong paramedic and firefighter and my mother is a rancher. I have a younger brother and sister: my sister recently graduated from UT Austin and my brother is a first year at A&M. After graduating valedictorian of my high school class, I attended Southern Methodist University (SMU) where I majored in Finance. I funded my SMU education thru multiple scholarships and by working at 2M Companies (Morton Meyerson’s office). In the time between SMU and medical school, I completed a post-bacc program at Johns Hopkins, worked in a neuromuscular research lab at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and completed my EMT coursework. In medical school, I have spent my time engaged in research and topics related to medical education, emergency medicine, and ultrasound. These days, outside of school, volunteering, and educating, I like to spend my free time running (just completed Dallas Half Marathon), driving down to Austin to spend weekends with friends, and being outdoors as often as I can (ranching, riding four-wheelers, hunting, and fishing).