TCEP Update – February 2021The TCEP Board of Directors met virtually January 30, 2021. Here are some notes and action items: Legislative report: See legislative update from Dr. Tran Annual Business meeting: The Board approved holding a hybrid annual meeting on Saturday June 26 at the TMA building along with the Board meeting afterward. All voting will be done online. Connect 2021: Continuing education components will not be held in 2021. A face-to-face meeting will be planned for spring 2022. Public Relations: With concern about the number of people not wanting to get vaccinated, the Board approved hiring Mercury PR for a 3-month vaccination campaign. ACEP Legislative Day: Will be held July 25-27 and is planned to be in person (Washington) with some virtual component. ACEP Council: A call for submissions will be sent to the members in the spring, asking for applicants for alternate councillor. The Council meeting will be Oct 23-25 in Boston. TCEP board voted to support the nomination of Dr. Andrea Green for Council Vice Speaker. Financial update: Dr. Peckenpaugh presented the TCEP financial report for FYE 2021 through December 31, 2020. He noted that TCEP has total assets of $1,649,286 with no significant debt. The P&L statement shows a net income YTD of $81,674, which is $52,761 favorable to budget. Audit report: TCEP had the accounting firm of Allman and Associates prepare an audit of the association’s finances. The auditors found no material weaknesses, good report. Investments: A long term investment policy was approved. GETAC: Dr. Gerad Troutman serves on the Governor Emergency and Trauma Committee. Two guests from the Dept of State Health Services attended the Board meeting and gave an update. Jorie Klein, MSN, MHA, BSN, RN Joseph W. Schmider, State EMS Director Diversity and Inclusion Task Force: The following policy was approved by the Board: PPE: Distribution of N95Masks Stats:
A pilot "3 months free" membership trial was held for nonmembers: A campaign to recruit ABEM nonmembers is also being done. 1600 ABEM nonmembers in Texas. Upcoming Board meeting: April 17, 10am, Virtual |