President's Message

October 2023

Sandra Williams, DO, MPH, FACEP
TCEP President

Happy Fall! With the passing of the autumnal equinox, Fall is officially here and we are excited to finally start seeing our temperatures decrease here in Texas. This has always been my favorite time of the year with many upcoming holidays and fun family get-togethers to look forward to.  Earlier this month, your TCEP family had a fun get-together in Philadelphia at ACEP23 including a very productive council meeting the weekend beforehand.

Numerous resolutions were discussed and debated on throughout the two day council meeting including resolution 21 which was approved by the ACEP council.  This resolution supports emergency medicine resident physicians’ right of first refusal over non physicians in performing ACGME required procedures that are deemed medically necessary in emergency departments.  Another important resolution approved by the ACEP council was resolution 48 recommending an affidavit of merit for a medical malpractice lawsuit be from a board certified emergency medicine physician practicing in the same state.  A more detailed update is available later in this issue by Dr. Diana Fite.   

We are very excited to announce that one of our amazing TCEP members, Alison Haddock MD, was elected president-elect of ACEP.  Dr. Haddock has served on the ACEP Board of Directors for the past several years with fellow TCEP member Heidi Knowles MD.  Dr. Haddock has been an incredible asset to both TCEP and ACEP over the past several years and we look forward to her leadership as ACEP President.  Congratulations Dr. Haddock!

Our fall board meeting on October 18th will have already occurred by the time this newsletter is published.  Therefore, our next TCEP Board meeting will be January 19th in Houston.  We welcome you all to join us there.