Notice of proposed TCEP bylaws changesIn accordance with national ACEP Bylaws, all chapters must periodically update their bylaws. Our last Bylaw revisions were in 2012. For the past 8 months, the TCEP Bylaws Committee with the assistance of the ACEP Chapter Bylaws Consultant revised TCEP’s Bylaws so that they are in full compliance with national ACEP Bylaws, Texas association statutes and our operating procedures. The proposed Bylaws were also reviewed by an outside attorney with expertise in Texas not for profit organizations. The TCEP board and national ACEP Bylaws Committee have both approved these proposed Bylaws. Our current Bylaws require final adoption by the TCEP members at the TCEP annual business meeting which will be on Saturday, April 4th 2020 at the Worthington Hotel in Ft. Worth. Due to the extensive Bylaws changes required in this revision, the Board has decided to make these changes as an “amendment by substitution”. This means the membership will be voting on the entire Bylaws vs only a few sections. So the document presented will not have any “markup” or “track changes”. TCEP’s current bylaws are posted on the website along with the newly proposed bylaws for your review. In summary, the major changes, in addition to formatting, modernization of language, consistency with ACEP Bylaws and Texas law addressed areas surrounding the board and officer nomination processes, voting processes, clarification of officer and board member roles and terms, removal of board members, filling vacancies on the Board and processes for calling meetings. If upon review, any member would like to discuss further, please contact the TCEP office at 512-306-0605. |