2020 TCEP Board of Directors Nominee

Marcus Sims II, DO, FACEP

1. Please provide us with your Medical School and graduation date. Also include your current positions held with a brief description of your duties.

Medical School: University of North Texas Health Science Center- Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Current Positions
TCEP Leadership and Advocacy Fellow
▪ Attend TCEP quarterly board of directors meetings, serve as an alternate TCEP councilor at ACEP Council, attend the Leadership and Advocacy Conference in May
◦ Member of TCEP Government Relations Committee
▪ Participate in scheduled conference calls
◦ Facility Medical Director, First Choice Emergency Room
▪ Serve as co-chair of the Critical Care Committee- the focus of the committee is to improve patient care.
▪ Serve as Chair of PEER Review Committee for Houston Region Free Standing Emergency Rooms

2. Tell us about your involvement in TCEP.

At this time I am currently serving as the Young Physician on the TCEP board of directors. On the board I have assisted in revising the bylaws and have attended the board meetings. This past year I was a Councilor at the ACEP council meeting. I am also a member of the Government Relations Committee and participate in the committee conference calls. I am a past Texas Leadership and Advocacy Fellow. As a Fellow I attended the board of directors meetings and was an alternate councilor for Texas at the ACEP council meeting.

3. Convey to us your goals as a Director and what you see as the pressing issues facing Emergency Physicians in the next three years.

On the Texas College of Emergency Physicians Board I would
◦ Focus on membership recruitment and retention
◦ Focus on engaging residents and medical students to actively participate in TCEP, ACEP, TMA, and the TCEP Leadership and Advocacy Fellowship.
◦ Speak with a loud, clear, unified voice to protect the safety net ensuring patient access, scope of practice, and fair reimbursement for the life saving services we provide to our patients. This will ensure the care of our patients and will strengthen our specialty.

4. Please provide a brief description of family, community and professional activities, and hobbies.

Currently I am the Chair of the PEER review committee for the Houston First Choice Free Standing Emergency Centers and also Chair of the First Choice Critical Care Committee.

While not at work I enjoy spending time fishing, flying and spending time with my wife and four boys. With four boys, I am generally found helping out on the baseball field or timing different swimming events.