2020 TCEP Board of Directors Nominee
1. Please provide us with your Medical School and graduation date. Also include your current positions held with a brief description of your duties. Education Current Positions 2. Tell us about your involvement in TCEP. At this time I am currently serving as the Young Physician on the TCEP board of directors. On the board I have assisted in revising the bylaws and have attended the board meetings. This past year I was a Councilor at the ACEP council meeting. I am also a member of the Government Relations Committee and participate in the committee conference calls. I am a past Texas Leadership and Advocacy Fellow. As a Fellow I attended the board of directors meetings and was an alternate councilor for Texas at the ACEP council meeting. 3. Convey to us your goals as a Director and what you see as the pressing issues facing Emergency Physicians in the next three years. On the Texas College of Emergency Physicians Board I would 4. Please provide a brief description of family, community and professional activities, and hobbies. Currently I am the Chair of the PEER review committee for the Houston First Choice Free Standing Emergency Centers and also Chair of the First Choice Critical Care Committee. While not at work I enjoy spending time fishing, flying and spending time with my wife and four boys. With four boys, I am generally found helping out on the baseball field or timing different swimming events. |