2020 TCEP Board of Directors Nominee

Breanna Bates, MD

1. Please provide us with your Medical School and graduation date. Also include your current positions held with a brief description of your duties.

Texas Tech University HSC, Lubbock, TX Graduated May 2019

Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
i. Zeta Texas Chapter, TTUHSC, Lubbock, TX

Medical Student Government, Education Policy Committee Student Representative-UMC Campus, TTUHSC
i. Voting student representative on matters regarding curriculum changes and improvement

Emergency Medicine Club, EM Elective and Preceptorship Coordinator
i. Organized 8 lectures and 8 skills labs with Emergency medicine physicians and local paramedics for 40 1st and 2nd year medical students
ii. Interviewed and selected 20 2nd year medical students for a 2 weeks paid summer preceptorship through UMC ER

Peer Tutor, TTUHSC Office of Student Affairs, September 2016
i. Tutor one on one with medical students, Tutoring at weekly open office hours for 2-5 medical students

SimWars, Team Lead, January 2017-Present
i. Organized and lead weekly 7 member team practices in Skills lab with classmates and ER doctors
ii. Competed at TCEP (State Wide Emergency Medicine Conference) against other medical school teams from Texas
iii. Won 2nd place in Texas wide SimWars competition at the Texas College of Emergency Physicians Annual Conference 2018, among 12 teams

2. Tell us about your involvement in TCEP.

Up until now my involvement in TCEP has been completely as a member, I’ve attending TCEP the last 3 years in a row. I will admit my involvement as a contributor to TCEP is non-existent. That being said, now that I’ve officially become a part of the Emergency Medicine community as an intern at UT Health I now feel it is my duty and will to give back to the organizations that gave me so much.

TMA:past chair of the YPS. Planner of the EM track at TEXMED.

3. Convey to us your goals as a Director and what you see as the pressing issues facing Emergency Physicians in the next three years.

I am lucky that I have many active participants of TCEP and ACEP in my program at UT Health and feel l get more exposure than the average resident to important issues facing Emergency Medicine. Here in Texas the issues that I feel the most strongly about and that I feel have room for improvement are: Surprise Billing, APP Scope of Practice, Workforce projections and Workplace Violence. My goals as a resident are to bring awareness and attention to residents and young physicians to encourage involvement and increase our voice. I feel that many of my co-residents and those who recently graduated become engulfed in the process learning as residency and then worrying about a job that we often forget to look at the bigger picture of whats going on in our field as a whole and the power we have to make change.

4. Please provide a brief description of family, community and professional activities, and hobbies.

I started my intern year with an 8 week old son, and a husband who is actively involved in his role as a Fire Fighter in San Antonio. Outside of work I spend a lot of time raising our son and also in an auxiliary role for my husband’s fire department. In residency I’ve taken an interest in Ultrasound, participating in our Ultrasound Track which involves spending quite a bit of time with Medical Students teaching their longitudinal ultrasound course. Outside of those things I feel passionately about physical health and fitness and enjoy cooking at home and going to the gym, and when I can’t make it to the gym walking my 2 Siberian huskies.